Wex Affiliate Programme


Join the Wex Photo Video affiliate program today!

In addition to our 14 stores, Wex Photo Video conducts business online via e-commerce and business-to-business sales. That’s where you come in. You can be part of the Wex community and earn extra income by becoming a Wex affiliate.

What does it mean to be a Wex affiliate?

A Wex affiliate will use their website or social media platform to link to Wex products or promotions. By promoting products on their chosen platform, an affiliate can earn a commission from each sale that their link converts.

It’s up to you what products you want to link to and how you promote them. We can provide advertising banners, logos, customisable widgets and bespoke assets. Or, you can simply use a text link.

We regularly update our banners and creative assets and work collaboratively with our affiliates to offer you the best opportunities to earn more.

Why should I become a Wex Affiliate?

Wex Photo Video is the UK's largest online camera specialist. We offer the latest photo and video equipment to over 600,000+ customers and pride ourselves on our service, customer support and industry expertise.

By becoming a Wex affiliate, you can expect:

  • Competitive commission rates.
  • Advice and support to help you thrive.
  • Over 28,000+ products to choose from.
  • Access to our exciting and engaging content to encourage visits.
  • Regular voucher codes to encourage sales through your links.
  • A daily feed of all our products to keep your links up-to-date.

What can I earn and how do I get paid?

We offer our affiliates a highly competitive commission rate per order value. In 2023, our total commission payout reached over £250,000! It is easy to get involved and earn your share.

Awin, our affiliate network partner, has an online portal where you can easily access our trackable links and banners. After you make a sale, your commission will be viewable here. Simple and effective.

Joining our affiliate program is as easy as visiting our affiliate portal. For all commission rate enquiries, please contact our Affiliate Marketing and Partnership Executive, Mat Morris.